we help you turn your expertise into scalable online education.

Start your course creation journey today!

Online Education Is The Future

Gone is the need to share your expertise in person. Our service allows any professional, coach, instructor, professor, and influencer scale their knowledge and value by sharing their expertise with thousands of students digitally. Expand your reach and your number of students to digital scales by leveraging online tools and methods.

Creating and scaling an online education by yourself is a complex and time-consuming process. That's where we come in.

At Aurora Media Services, we have invested in learning the ins and outs of the online education industry through research & graduating advanced programs at COET - the leading institution in online education. We’re well-equipped to help you through every step of the process.

Student Course Point of View

We're not just a marketing agency. We're your 360 partner.

We work with you hand-in-hand throughout the entire process.

Formulating The Vision

Thought about creating your own course? We’ll work together on turning your vision into reality by providing you with a solid course creation foundation. This includes working on your curriculum and value proposition to your potential students.

Producing Your Course

Once we have a solid foundation, it’s time to build. Together, we’ll create the material for your individual course modules and guide you through the process of recording your course lessons. Here, you will be given FULL creative control and ability to record your lessons with your own unique touch. The best part is the platform we will be using to host your course gives you endless possibilities for course formatting.

Launch, Scale & Manage.

Now that your course is ready for the world, we’ll continue to work by your side for every step of the future strategy implementation. We’ll help you craft a solid launch strategy, manage your community, and of course, we’ll ensure the continuous scaling of your business.

Intelligent & streamlined processes.

Using our streamlined designed processes, together we can go from scratch to launching a finished course in just 8 weeks.
However, we know that every case is unique - therefore we tailor will tailor the timeline and workload to fit with your schedule.

Intelligent& Streamlined Process

We're friendly! Let's see if there's synergy.

Any questions? We'd love to hop on a free strategy call with you and discuss your potential.


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